takeLast vs take

RxJS Pipeable operators vs. Dot-chaining

đź“Ł UPDATE: this article now takes the form of an RxJS Explorer:

Visit reactive.how/rxjs/explorer

Animation from Episode 27 - JavaScript Pipeline Operator.

RxJS <5.5 and dot-chaining

Prior to RxJS 5.5, you were dot-chaining the operators like this:

const stream = Observable.interval(TICK)

RxJS 5.5.* and pipeable operators

RxJS 5.5 introduced pipeable operators and pipe:

// Pull in only what you need:
import { take, map } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { interval } from 'rxjs/observable/interval';

const stream = interval(TICK).pipe(

Read why this is is a better approach:

You can now easily build your own operators and chain them with the RxJS ones:

// Create your own operator based on RxJS map:
const draw = brush =>
  map(num =>
    brush.repeat(Math.floor(num * 65))

const stream = interval(TICK).pipe(

RxJS 6 beta and rx-compat

RxJS 6 is coming soon. If you have a code base with dot-chaining operators, you can still use it thanks to the compatibility package rx-compat. It adds operators to Observable.prototype and creation methods to Observable.

The future

JavaScript |> pipeline operator

There is a pipeline operator proposal. In particular, it allows you to write your code like this:

const draw = brush =>
  map(num =>
    num * 65 |> Math.floor |> brush.repeat

const stream =
  |> take(LENGTH)
  |> map(gaussian)
  |> draw("•")

Read my babel+prettier+ligature configuration in Episode 27 - Pipeline Operator to try the pipeline operator yourself.

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Episode 22 - scan vs. reduce

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CĂ©dric Soulas Follow Hire me

Freelance Developer Advocate. Motion graphics with code. JavaScript and Elm. cedricsoulas.com

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